You’re Not Alone
And this feeling powerless isn’t a surprise. Especially if you’re a “first” and “only” leader, meaning you’re the first from your family/community or only one like you in the room. Many leaders, across industries, have lost their moral imagination. Most are able to describe what’s not working and why, but aren’t sure what to do differently and take the actions that will make a difference. Most of what passes for leadership advice or training in these moments isn’t that helpful. It doesn’t get to the root of why you may be frustrated, stuck, undervalued, and why your playbook of once successful tactics isn’t working. It’s time to get Power Fluent and unlock your frustrated leadership genius.
Read My Essay on the reasons why first and only leaders feel may have an uphill battle when it comes to executive leadership—or read my thinking on the opportunity in a different type of leadership now.
About Me
My name is Meghna Majmudar.
I am a strategist and coach,
an immigrant, and anthropologist.
I was raised on the American Dream—
and lived it. And now increasingly, see how it is fraying.
I graduated magna cum laude in Anthropology from Harvard; I have a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Cape Town and an MBA from UC Berkeley; as well as formal training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and coaching. I have over 25 years of experience as a strategist and leader working with influential organizations across healthcare, technology, financial services, consumer goods, automotive, major league sports, government, and non-profits.
At Harvard and in the organizations I advised, I saw that the game of success wasn’t a meritocracy. But…it was a game. And it had specific rules one had to understand to be successful.
Based on mine and my clients’ experiences, I know there is a particular type of inner work and game theory the leaders who will take us into the future have to do around their sense of power, authority, and leadership to be effective. I also know there is structural inertia in how we work that makes it difficult to change, and for those who have traditionally not been in power to influence effectively toward a more inclusive and equitable world.
I had to learn to play the game and change the game at the same time. what my clients are up to as well: Play the Game. Change the Game. It’s a big task, and that’s why my approach is much more than executive coaching. It’s a building leadership capability for an intensely complex world, a future well beyond our imagination…
A future where we all thrive.